Monday, September 29, 2014

Gunner and Smith

Oct 16, 2014
8:00 pm
The Root: Community Emporium
Phone: 306-825-5885

Cost- $10

It’s been an eventful past four years for Saskatoon’s Gunner & Smith. Starting in 2010 as a solo project by folk artist Geoff Smith, the band evolved into a multi-member indie country rock ensemble that traverses the rocky line between post-prairies balladeering and grit-covered rockers for those given to heavy highway drives and long, expansive thoughts. Initially emerging from Smith’s one-man vision, Gunner & Smith released their first EP, Letter of Marque, in 2011. Featuring the lithe, lonely swaying sounds of Saskatchewan folk, country and rock, Smith quickly followed up his sparse debut release with his second EP entitled Compromise is a Loaded Gun.

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