Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Art Classes for Youth - Vermilion

Tuesdays beginning Sept. 16 and ending Nov. 4 (8 weeks) $80.00
ages 7 - 10: 2 - 3 pm (for home schoolers)
ages 7 - 10: 4 - 5 pm

Thursdays beginning Sept. 18 and ending Nov. 6 (8 weeks) $80.00
ages 11 - 13: 2 - 3 pm (for home schoolers)
ages 11 - 13: 4 - 5 pm

All art materials are supplied. Studio location is in Vermilion, at the Vermilion airport building. For more information, phone Cindi Plant at 780.853.6531 or e-mail cindi.plant@gmail.com